May 6, 2008

Losing Interest

I realized last night ~ when I choose to fold the laundry while listening to my MP3 player ~ that television has not been holding my interest AT ALL! Even when I have it on lately I am not really paying attention to it, it is just on for the noise. I have been watching some movies here and there, but the shows that I LOVED last season, just aren't holding my attention. I have rekindled my attraction to all things Jane Austen as PBS has had her movies on lately. Really it is an infatuation with all things British. CJ hates it, but of course he has been working a lot lately so maybe that is why I have been headed back in that direction. I also have been "DVRing" ~ I know it is not a word, but what else do you call it ~ a lot of the Independent Lens documentaries. They are always on at really strange times like 3am, ~ does anyone really watch them then? ~ but they are usually really good! So anyway I was just wondering if it was just me or if anyone else has been feeling this way. Is there a show that has kept your interest?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE our DVR. We use it all the time. I can't imagine not having it anymore. We tend to record a lot of shows on the science channel & the discovery channel. ucoui