This afternoon I decided to take my sewing machine out of hiding - it spends the summer in my closet you see and generally does not see the light of day until Christmas and Yule presents start being worked on, but it is getting an early appearance for this project!
At some point, in the not too distant past, I saw an article or a clip on a show or a blurb on some other blog - I can't keep these things straight sometimes - a project to recycle jeans that were either too short or had a hole in the knee into a skirt. It is a fairly simple project and you can find a great set of instructions with all the pictures for it HERE .
For KM's version however we skipped a few steps and only made the two panel version using extra material remnants we had laying around in the craft closet instead of using the bottoms of the pant legs. Here was our outcome -
I wish I had discovered this or remembered to try this sooner!!! It came out so cute and is such a great way to get a little extra life out of the jeans!!! The thing I have to work on now is her nervousness with the sewing machine. She is always worried she is going to break something, injure herself or mess something up. Any suggestions on how to get her more comfortable with it would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks for stopping by!
I LOVE this skirt! It is so cute. I will have to see if I can find something like that here for my little one.
I think that it will just take time for her to get use to using the machine. I know that I still get scared when I use mine. LOL.
You may have seen it on my blog since I recently posted that I did this project :) Or perhaps you saw it in a back issue of Family Fun magazine ( like me!) I just wanted to let you know that we did the no-sew version and used liquid seams :) It works well except on stretch jeans :) I like the blue polka dot fabric!! Very cool!!
Leigh -
I think you may be right! I have never tried using the liquid seams, I may have to do that! It would make it a really quick project as well! you got me thinking!
Thanks so much!
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