I was nominated by one of my favorite blog-friends - FairyLuver for this wonderful award and it is greatly appreciated! Especially since I made her shortened list! I however had the hardest time choosing from all the great blogs that I visit down to ten, but I know that my other favorites will be nominated by some of my nominees!
Here are the rules...
1. Put the logo on your blog
2.Add a link to the person who awarded you
3.Nominate 10 blogs that you follow
4.Add links to those blogs
5.Leave a message to those nominees on their blog
I love reading what other families are doing and the blogs that I choose all have such great insight, events and ideas!
So with out further ado ------Here are my nominations ---- in no particular order:
1. Audrey
2. Danette
3. Jenney
4. Jessica
5. Summer Fae
6. Misti
7. Marcia
8. Stephanie
9. Kathy
10. Lori
Thanks so much for sharing all that you do!!!
Thanks for the nomination! :) I'm honoured.
Thank you! You are so kind. I will have to think about who I am going to nominate.
Aw, thanks for the encouragement!!!! I haven't posted much lately, but hope to be back to "normal" soon. :-)
I feel so special! :-D
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