Here are some great links to get you thinking a little more green today:
- Kaboose's list of various links for today
- Planet Pals has a ton of resources
- Lesson plans page - earth day pages
- Teacher Planet: Earth Day Theme
- Federal Resource for Education Excellence - Climate Change Resources
We actually got very little "Earth Day" related things done today - you see our Public Schools are on vacation this week and we here at GCK are not, but KM had been VERY social on Monday and Tuesday so she needed to buckle down today before her aunt - SR - came over for a sleepover and won't be leaving until late tomorrow (Thur) afternoon. Which left really only today and Friday (at which time we will also have SC) to get her work for the whole week done before her VERY BESTEST BEST Friends from Maine come for their visit this weekend!!! So though we did talk about the fact that it was Earth day, we really didn't do anything extra special, it was also really really rainy outside, but I was thinking that maybe tomorrow I will get the girls out there to do something -
oh but wait to tomorrow is an extra extra special day...
you will have to wait to see!
you will have to wait to see!
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