Homer did not inspire KM very much at all. She did complete the worksheets, but just really was not feeling the shading project that was assigned for this artist - she says she NEEDS color!

I don't blame her! So she will be passing on this one, though we may try our hand at block printing - another technique that they described in the unit. Hopefully the next unit will go over a bit better!
She did a great job with it, but yeah - color is more fun. Hopefully she will enjoy the block printing more.
What do you think of the series? I am looking forward to next year already.
We have loved all the other projects! This is the only one that has fallen short and it was the last one in unit one. If you search through you with the tag meet the masters you should be able to see all the other pieces she has completed. I got the digital version through Homeschool Buyers Co-op and have been very happy with it! It is very clear in directions, the audio clips and featured art selections have kept her engaged through the theory part as well.
Hope that Helps -
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