Mar 10, 2013

Spring Session Lesson Plans

Spring is all about focusing around here, specifically focusing on writing a clear, concise, and comprehensive essay. Since KM busted butt and finished her Applying AlgebraPhysics, Glencoe Literature Units, Movies as Literature  and the GED Writing Book we have streamlined her lesson plans to the bare-bones to be able to put the majority of her energy into prepping for the GED Essay. 

We will be using the GED Essay workbook by Steck-Vaughn in a few weeks, but first we will be utilizing IEW Student Writing Intensive Group C. I have to admit that I bit the bullet...despite all my former positions on writing curricula, I BORROWED - I am stressing the fact that I did NOT buy the program - from my very dear friend and personal home ed guru. She is an accomplished writer and two of her three girls who have taken the SAT got PERFECT writing scores on their essays, sooooo I give her opinion a lot of credence. She recently completed this program with her three younger kids and even her most reluctant writer enjoyed the program. KM feels given the great praise her friends gave it, that she should give it a try. She will be working on this when I am home so that I can be sure that things are moving along appropriately and I can be aware of what advice and tips the program is giving in each lesson. When we are through with it I will be sure to give a full review of this program.

Here is what KM's daily breakdown will look like for the next 10-12 week session - 

For a bit more info on the current GED essay guidelines download this free PDF - HERE.

These are the additional resources that we will be trying out during this intensive prep period - 

~~~~~BE AWARE though the current format will only run through the end of 2013. There will be a new GED released in 2014 and these materials will be obsolete.

To see are many other posts on our frustrations with writing HERE

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