Mar 8, 2013

Everyone works

ENOUGH!! Seriously, I have had ENOUGH!!! I really think that it is time for spring to get here already!!! I have had more than enough of all this white stuff taking up space and stealing my time away!!! These are the days when I REALLY miss CJ and long for the time that we could just sit back, cuddle up and wait for him to pull in with the plow.

But that era is gone now, with him on the road and me working. For those of you who don't know, I work outside the home part time and although it is only part time I work in a healthcare profession and am an "essential worker". This means that even if they call off all events in the county and the plow truck drivers are sleeping in some parking lot somewhere unknown to the rest of us, I still have to make it to my clients' homes. So this morning when I awoke at 6:05 to 6+ inches of snow, I called in to work and said I would be running a bit behind. I then had my breakfast and at 6:20 went into KMs room to ask her to come out and help by shoveling while I ran the snow thrower. To my amazement she was out of her bedroom and getting ready to come out before I had gotten all my snow gear on. I was OH SO THANKFUL! I had hesitated in asking her because she is NOT a morning person, but I am so glad that I had enough faith in her to ask. It took us less than an hour to get half the driveway and my car cleaned up enough so that I could hit the road. Luckily I only had one client that I was required to see this morning and when I got back to the house 4 hours later the driveway looked as if we hadn't even touched it!!!

I made some lunch before I once again asked KM to bundle up and grab a shovel. She said "OK". No whining, no complaints, no dilly dallying. She just got her stuff on and headed out with me. She did everything I asked and kept going the entire 2 hours we were out there. I can't even remotely express the appreciation, joy and pride that I felt every time I glanced at her, working diligently along with me. This is part of being a family. Everyone works, so that everything can get done and no one has to do it all by themselves.  

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