Jan 11, 2013

More on the science front ....

After the continued issues earlier in the week and a long discussion we have decided to streamline KM's chemistry program. She feels like it is much more in depth than she will ever need and although I do agree I am also not willing to let her just quit, so we have made a compromise. KM will do the reading for each unit, answer only the review page questions and forgo the other exercises. She will also continue watching the ChemMatters videos and do the HHMI interactives to reinforce the real world connections.

With this adjustment KM will have her chemistry finished in just a few weeks and wants to start right into her Physics when she has completed it. She will be using the Steck-Vaughn Physical Science workbook along with activities from the following sites -

If you know of any others feel free to post them in the comments section!

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