The last few weeks have been quite hectic around here. I have been working between 25 & 38 hours a week outside of our home, whilst CJ has been making much longer trips west and KM has had to take on a lot more responsibility around the house. Although we knew that there would need to be some sacrifices and a tremendous amount of adjustments, we were all willing to do so.
My work schedule is very chaotic and constantly changing, so I am having a bit of trouble finding a good balance at the moment. I am fully committed and unwavering in my efforts to keep KM on a routine and am strict in keeping her regularly scheduled activities - even if that means I have to ask for help in doing so.
Luckily with the chaos, comes flexibility. I am not away from home for 8-10 hours at a time, most days it is only 4-5 at a time. Some days I am gone from 7:30a-11:30a and then 5:30p-9:30p, others I am only gone 10a-1p. This has led to KM taking on a wide variety of chores around the house and they vary from day to day. She has been doing exceptionally well at completing her lessons and all the tasks I leave.
As I mentioned I have been very strict in keeping KM's activities and any other commitments that I make to her. This is not an area that I am willing to be flexible in so she is continuing her bowling, chess club, and youth activities. In addition we have added in a day when her and a few friends go to the library to work on their lessons together and have lunch at a nearby restaurant. I am very fortunate to have some great friends who are assisting me in getting her to and from these consistently.
There are constantly ideas floating around that you can home educate if you have a parent at home full-time, but we are proving - along with MANY others - that this not the truth. It takes some ingenuity, creative scheduling and a whole LOT of cooperation, but it CAN be done!
Jan 28, 2013
Jan 24, 2013
Three Free Tools for Creating Stopmotion and Timelapse Videos
I stumbled across this and had to share - Free Technology for Teachers: Three Free Tools for Creating Stopmotion and Timelapse Videos:
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Creating stopmotion and timelapse videos can be a good way for students to tell a story that they have developed. Stopmtion and timelapse videos can also be helpful when teachers are trying to help students see how a lengthy process like osmosis works. While good stopmotion and timelapse videos can take a long time to create, there are some tools that can make the process a little easier. Here are three stopmtion video creation tools that are worth trying.
JellyCam is a free program for creating stopmotion movies. Using JellyCam you can create stop motion movies using images from your computer or images that you capture via your webcam. Once you've selected images you can quickly arrange them into a sequence. After the sequence is set you can specify how many images you want per frame. A soundtrack can be uploaded to your video. JellyCam uses the Adobe Air platform. If you don't have Adobe Air Runtime it takes just a couple of minutes to install.
Stop Frame Animator from Culture Street is a neat tool for creating animated stop motion movies. Creating your animated stop motion video is a simple drag and drop process on Stop Frame Animator. To get started creating your stop motion video select a background scene then drag your characters into place. While you have nine background scenes to choose from, the only characters you can use are wooden manikins. You can position the manikins' arms and legs in every scene. After choosing your scene and characters you can add some other props like chairs and beach balls. And if you want you can add sound effects and music to your video by selecting them from the Stop Frame Animator gallery.
OSnap is an iPad app (available in a free version and in a paid version) that you can use to create stop motion and time lapse videos. The app is quite easy to use. To create a video with the OSnap app you simply need to start a project and take a series of still pictures using your iPad’s camera. Then adjust the number of frame per second to edit your video. If you want to, you can add a sound track to your video by selecting audio files that are stored on your iPad. You can go back and edit your videos by removing images and from the project at any time. Completed projects can be stored on your iPad, uploaded to YouTube, or shared via email.
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Jan 22, 2013
Recap Lesson of Pres. Obama's 2nd Inauguration
Utilizing one of the Flocabulary Daily lessons - State of the Union and Inauguration Lesson - that I shared HERE, we discussed President Obama's second inauguration speech this morning and created a word cloud of the transcript using Wordle.
KM was quite mesmerized by the president - she usually becomes bored and lost during speeches, but she hung on his every word. I guessed the biggest word would be citizens and she guessed people - her guess was quite a bit larger than mine. This was a really interesting quick project that we both enjoyed!
~~~Tip~~~ when we did the cloud the first time, we got a giant APPLAUD through the middle of the cloud because it was in the transcript 24 times! if you make your own use your find tool to remove all the noted "applause" points to get an accurate cloud.
Jan 20, 2013
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - I Have A Dream Speech Analysis Lesson Plan
Find Every Literary Term in Martin Luther King Jr.’s Most Famous Speech
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. led a march on Washington, D.C. The speech he gave that day is one of the best known in American history. When people remember the “I Have a Dream” speech, as it has come to be known, they recall King’s message about civil rights. But perhaps the reason it is so memorable is because King was a master of literary and rhetorical devices. His word choice matched the strength of his message.
This lesson plan allows students to review literary terms, rhetorical devices and figurative language with a scavenger hunt through “I Have a Dream” speech. Then you can have students discuss or write about the speech using the literary terminology. This lesson can be modified to work well for everyone from students just learning about metaphor for the first time to AP students reviewing for their upcoming exams.
I Have A Dream Speech Analysis Lesson Plan
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Jan 16, 2013
Presidential Inauguration 2013 - Free C-SPAN Classroom Resources
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Jan 11, 2013
More on the science front ....
After the continued issues earlier in the week and a long discussion we have decided to streamline KM's chemistry program. She feels like it is much more in depth than she will ever need and although I do agree I am also not willing to let her just quit, so we have made a compromise. KM will do the reading for each unit, answer only the review page questions and forgo the other exercises. She will also continue watching the ChemMatters videos and do the HHMI interactives to reinforce the real world connections.
With this adjustment KM will have her chemistry finished in just a few weeks and wants to start right into her Physics when she has completed it. She will be using the Steck-Vaughn Physical Science workbook along with activities from the following sites -
With this adjustment KM will have her chemistry finished in just a few weeks and wants to start right into her Physics when she has completed it. She will be using the Steck-Vaughn Physical Science workbook along with activities from the following sites -
- Magnetic Field Activities for the High School Classrooms
- The Physics Classroom
- A Plus Physics
- Activity Based Physics
- Einstein's Big Idea
- Motions and Force
- PhET Interactive Simulations - Physics
- Molecular Workbench
If you know of any others feel free to post them in the comments section!
Jan 9, 2013
Oh why oh why do I open my mouth!
So of course I made the proclamation that things were going well and we weren't going to have to make any adjustments to our programs only to be slammed with a hard core dilemma in Chemistry - KM is just NOT grasping equations! She reads the section and answers the review questions, but as soon as she is asked to work on any sort of equations she is completely befuddled!
I have never taken a chemistry course - EVER! - so I am little help in this predicament. We look up you tube videos and scroll through Khan Academy topics to try to find something that will make it more clear, but nothing seems to be TRULY working. I am not sure where we are headed at this point with it, but I am not willing to let her just give up and feel that she needs to keep working through it - even if that means that we go over each and every answer together with the answer key because I would rather that she see the correct answer than keep doing it wrong and getting frustrated.
Things don't always run as smoothly as many home educators' would have the outside world believe, but this is one of the greatest benefits of this educational choice - customization to the student! We WILL find something that works and won't give up until she has it!
I have never taken a chemistry course - EVER! - so I am little help in this predicament. We look up you tube videos and scroll through Khan Academy topics to try to find something that will make it more clear, but nothing seems to be TRULY working. I am not sure where we are headed at this point with it, but I am not willing to let her just give up and feel that she needs to keep working through it - even if that means that we go over each and every answer together with the answer key because I would rather that she see the correct answer than keep doing it wrong and getting frustrated.
Things don't always run as smoothly as many home educators' would have the outside world believe, but this is one of the greatest benefits of this educational choice - customization to the student! We WILL find something that works and won't give up until she has it!
Jan 8, 2013
Flocabulary - Lessons For The Rest Of The Year
Flocab on the Daily
Plan out your year with Flocabulary lessons for 2013
Flocabulary's new feature, Flocab on the Daily, will help you:
- Get ahead on your planning.
- Make lessons more fun and engaging.
- Get your students prepared for high-stakes tests.
Flocab on the Daily is our brand new selection of Flocabulary songs, videos and activities for every month of the year. Whether you want a lesson for MLK Day, Pi Day, Shakespeare's Birthday, the last day of school, or some educational enlightenment in between, we've got you covered.
January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December
Flocabulary - Lessons For The Rest Of The Year:
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Jan 4, 2013
100 Words ______ Should Know -
Stumbled across this and had to share!!!
100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know and 100 Words Every High School Graduate
Should Know
I also found this great PDF with the definitions for the high school list - HERE - BONUS!!!
Jan 1, 2013
Prepping for Winter Session
Five years completed and we will be starting in on our 21st session next week - THAT SOUNDS SOOOOOO FREAKING WEIRD!!!
I can't believe that much time has gone by and yet it feels like only yesterday that I was trying to wrap my head around this weird "homeschool" thing. We have come a long way and this is one of the first times that very little is changing. KM is really liking all of her programs and things are running quite smoothly.
The only changes are some additions to her electives including a Currclick Live class by Natureglo called MathArt, adding the Currclick Chess Club to her weekly IRL club and The Symphony (Great Courses Parts 2-3) which we found at our local library and KM is really enthusiastic about completing! Also since she finished up the long-term project at the library where she was doing her volunteer work, she will be taking a break from that this session and her Shakespeare Group had to unexpectedly change their plans so those two things have been taken off the calendar.
KM has adjusted to me working outside of the home
more regularly really well! She gets everything on her list done in record time and seems to be thriving with this new level of independence. We are also hoping that my schedule will allow us to be able to get back to ice skating weekly again, as we both really enjoy that time and it is a great workout!
I can't believe that much time has gone by and yet it feels like only yesterday that I was trying to wrap my head around this weird "homeschool" thing. We have come a long way and this is one of the first times that very little is changing. KM is really liking all of her programs and things are running quite smoothly.
The only changes are some additions to her electives including a Currclick Live class by Natureglo called MathArt, adding the Currclick Chess Club to her weekly IRL club and The Symphony (Great Courses Parts 2-3) which we found at our local library and KM is really enthusiastic about completing! Also since she finished up the long-term project at the library where she was doing her volunteer work, she will be taking a break from that this session and her Shakespeare Group had to unexpectedly change their plans so those two things have been taken off the calendar.
KM has adjusted to me working outside of the home
Here is her Winter Schedule -
For a full list of our current curricula click HERE.
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