Mar 11, 2010

Science Jim Classes - DONE

KM finished up her final Science Jim Physics Ebook this week! She has loved them and the online classes that she has been taking are a huge hit as well! She completed the Force, Mechanics and Sound Books all in the last 9 weeks! Here is her last experiment with sound - water in crystal glasses - she had to listen for the difference in the sounds based on the water level and she also discovered that it makes a difference when you make the rim sing as well!


She has been taking a 10 week class on Newton's Laws and Science Jim really presents information in a fun way and so that it sticks. She likes him so much that she asked if he would be doing classes in other areas and she was EXTREMELY excited to find out that he will be doing Chemistry next year and has some other short classes in the works, like one on Einstein. This was one of the best curriculum picks we made this year!

On the customer service side of it - he answers questions in NO TIME! Both times that I have had to email him with something we didn't understand he got back to us in under an hour!

KM has one more live class that had to be rescheduled because of a snow day ~ so much snow in his area that the computer connections were down and causing lags in audio and video ~, but she is very excited that she will get to do it while we are in FL and Grampa can "see how high-tech" her classes are!

I highly recommend his classes as a core or supplement! They are totally worth the very inexpensive price!

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