Aug 24, 2008

Fun Sunday Afternoon

CJ had a VERY busy work week and was not home for a full two days & nights trying to cram in some extra side jobs. So today we decided to have a little fun!
We headed to the local mini-golf and go-cart place that we haven't been to in far too long!

KM was very excited that she was FINALLY tall enough to ride the go-cart by herself. She did pretty well up until the end when she didn't know what the attendants hand signals meant and ended up rear ending the entire line of carts! Luckily CJ was right in front of her and took the majority of the blow. We then went out for a late lunch / early dinner at our favorite restaurant. It was a very simple fun afternoon - oh and did you see there is actually proof that I was there!

1 comment:

Todd said...

That (mini golf) looks so fun. It's been about 15 years since we've been. Can't wait to move to a city where we can play that and other fun stuff again.