Personally, I think that some classics are important as iconic references rather than any lessons that might be learned from them. There are so many repeating story lines through books and movies that you could easily make some connections with the older versions and utilize the updated ones. In our ever evolving culture "reading and interpreting the classics" is not quite as necessary as it used to be and if you have a student that is hesitant you could do more damage than good. I am also conflicted with the impact of not having "iconic references" as I have made it through life just fine not always fully understanding quotes from Star Wars which I have NEVER seen, but everyone else around me has - GASP!!!

As with any other area, approach and presentation are KEY! Reading Shakespeare is FAR more difficult and harder to comprehend, than watching it - the way it was meant to be experienced. Think about trying to learn a language and never hearing it spoken. Poetry can be the same way - you miss subtle rhythmic nuisances that aren't there if read improperly and this can fully change the meaning.
As I have said time and time again, before following the path set forth think about where it leads and where your child wants to be. Just as I would not force a child who is not going to a medical profession to take an Anatomy and Physiology class, why would you force a STEM focused student to drudge through Dickens?
I would love to hear others opinions and experiences on this topic, so please feel free to share by posting a comment below!
I homeschooled for many years (my girl's grown now) and miss it so much that I still read homeschooling blogs. I really enjoy yours, and this post is very thought provoking. I hadn't ever thought about NOT teaching literature, but you make some valid points. So much does surely rest on each individual student, doesn't it?
Hey Kris!
Isn't great when you stumble across something and realize - hey others think that way too!!!
Isn't it great that you and T realized it now, before he gets to some of the really wretched classics in middle and high school!
Thanks for stopping by!
SORRY KRIS E ---- HIT the wrong key!!! Reposting your great comment!
Hi Gina!
I am just checking out your blog- awesome info and thought provoking , too.
Tyler and I just had this discussion ( on a 9 year old level). He was reading an assigned book. It was a read aloud and I had been reading it to him, but was struggling with it myself. I asked him to finish reading it on his own and had been meeting with some ( unusual) resistance. We talked and I told him to forget about it. That every book wasn't a "have to" and that I could see he had really tried, and that was all I cared about. He said "But Mom! It's an award winner! It has the medal and it's on our list!" I told him I didn't care about that, that maybe someday he would want to read it and to just put it on the shelf. He completely understood when I told him we already learned what we needed to from the book and he was a better reader because of it- even though he only read half. Life lesson!
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