Mar 20, 2011

Lemmings Law

I am finding it harder and harder to appease people. While I think that people should respect each other's choices, I know that is never going to happen 100% of the time. People assume that you are attacking their decisions - or really their conformity - if you make a choice other than the one that is in line with theirs. If you are making a choice that is better for YOUR family, why wouldn't you automatically assume that the decision would be better for EVERY family? It is the lemmings law - follow, follow, follow, don't get out of line - if someone else gets out of line ATTACK!!!

Those of us who tend to make choices that are off the trodden path are often far more understanding, open minded and accepting of choices. We see the great joy that options can bring. We realize the importance of indivual preferences. We accept that customization is KEY! We need to stop coddling these parents. I don't think the public schools are okay for anyone, they aren't! They can't be FIXED! Charter schools and privates are just as bad in most cases. We ALL need to learn to respectfully stand our ground and disregard the falsified counterattacks that are based on the insecurites of those shouting the loudest!

As I have seen these debates getting more and more ferocious with the ease of social networking sites in cyberspace, the anonymity of yahoo groups and the ability to hit send before you reread things or without thinking about the consequences. This is just another reason I DON'T have a facebook account!
 I reread this several times and STAND behind every word!


Anonymous said...

I was thinking to write a blog post about blogland and the world of know .
Yes everyone seems to know everything and we all seem to know it all .
of course every era has felt they knew it all and had it right etc. but I really think it is our having this constant access to info and like you said being able to write then send within seconds , it leads us to be under a falsehood that we know everything we write about & think about .
now I'm not sure if I know this ? am I right or wrong ?
lol it is also the age of brain rot but also brain over activity I think .
I do tend to think to much !
we've gone off line many times for months at a time . It has been nothing but a blessing when we've done this !
I find having to use the library to share computer really showed us how selfish people are with thier personal computers . we've gone to the homes of friends where they have at least 3 personal computers within the home and the fight it took for them to offer us the use of a computer for 1 hr out of thier day was unreal when they have continual access to the computer 24 hrs each and everyday !
we will be without computer for several months again come may -sept. I look forward to it ☺

Lizzie said...

Sounds like things have been a bit rough. I am sorry you are feeling attacked. I try to steer clear of conversations, real and digital, that I know will increase my blood pressure. But there are those times when I do just get very upset as well. In the end, we made our choice and it remains our choice. Carry on with joy. :)