Aug 26, 2011

What I am Reading - August - GCKMom

I have been laughing HYSTERICALLY through the funniest home ed books I have ever read!

"Okay Kids, Time for Bedlam!" is a labor of love. It is the lighter side of life, told byDebbie Harbeson, an average mom who rather unknowingly lobbed herself into the often loopy world of homeschooling.This is what happens to you, when you purposely allow your children to skip school to learn at home... and it's a riot! The whole endeavor, needless to say, has been a learning experience for everyone. And hopefully, a story you all can enjoy from the safety of your own home.

Some of my favorite quotes include :
  • "We all watched as a couple of eyeballs rolled past her feet and settled under the porch bench."
  • "Yesterday four textbooks made a perfect support for our bike ramps."
  • "Melissa sat the cheetah on the cabinet, he dialed the number and the cheetah's belly began to ring."
  • The ENTIRE content of Chapter Fifteen - Mother Nature!!!
These are all the things home ed mom's don't want you to find out really go on! Best part Debbie Harbeson has made the entire content of the book downloadable and FREE!!! Take a peek you won't regret it! 

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