Apr 27, 2011

Try and Try and TRY until you get it!

I remember reading an article or blog post not so long ago about how much a parent really learns through home educating their children. This was not just about learning facts and figures in books or studying topics, but be aware of things that one thought they were not capable of doing and suddenly they get it. I mention this because over this past week I have had a break through - a momentous break through really!

A few years ago I taught myself to knit. I picked up the needles and book and figured it out really quickly. Shortly after this I tried to crochet, but just could not get it. I tried on several occasions and just could not get past a single chain. A few months later I decided to try to make an edging around a blanket that I made by crocheting and I figured out how to do that because I could identify where the stitches where because I had knit the portion I was now crocheting into. During that same week I tried to crochet a scarf again and just COULD NOT do it! I tried and tried and tried, but couldn't do it. Over the last few years I have picked it up several times to no avail. This past weekend I picked up an easy crochet book and was flipping through it thinking how nice it would be to make these projects. I flipped to a page with a really cute mesh shopping bag and said "Ya, know what I am gonna try again." -----

I can't tell you how many times I have said "I can knit, but I CANNOT crochet!" Well guess what I CAN now! If I had not been persistent and just given up I would never have been able to do it. Instead I kept trying and when it was the "right time" I just got it!


Anonymous said...

So true! I had a similar, opposite actually, experience. My mom tried to teach each of us girls how to knit when we were kids but I could. not. get. it. Then about 7 years ago I decided to learn crochet-it was easy peasy for me to pick up. Last summer it was time to try knitting. I did finally get the hang of it, but it took weeks and was so confusing. I could not figure out how to use those darn pointy sticks (as I called them then in frustration) for weeks. Then finally it clicked!

Congrats on learning a new skill! It always feels so good to finally succeed.

Firefly Mom said...

I'm so impressed that you were able to learn how to knit from a book! I tried and tried to learn from a book and could never get the hang of it. I ended up taking a community education class and have been knitting ever since. :)

Unknown said...

hey! i'm the total opposite- can't knit to save my life- but i haven't tried in a really (really) long time- too busy homeschooling 3 boys! new follower-