Feb 16, 2010

Blue or Green?

So KM asked a WHILE back if she could put streaks in her hair. CJ and I went over this many times, each changing our minds several times. Finally we decided that since I had died my hair purple, blue, pink and orange, shaved parts of my head, pierced ears ~ and other body parts ~ behind my parents' backs MANY times when I was younger we really didn't see the harm in it as long as I had the control! So, we ordered the turquoise dye that she wanted -

and gave it a go, following the directions on the bottle....

and you could just barely see it! She was happy, but of course a bit disappointed in the outcome!

Now I know she has dark hair, but I was a bit against bleaching it to begin with. I consulted a few hair dresser friends and they suggested that I try a chunking kit. So for take 2 the process was a bit longer....

and she got a bit impatient!
Here was the results after nearly 2 hours!

And here were the results the next morning:

So she got green hair instead of blue and it does have a sort of blue tint to it, but as you can see she is VERY happy with it!

Once this color fades - it should only last about a month, the chunking will last longer, so we can try the blue again and since it won't take as long, may be able to get the real blue effect that she wants. Just in time for us to go to FL and freak out her Grampa when he sees his "little" granddaughter with BLUE hair!

1 comment:

Terri said...

I LOVE it. Personally I would've done the sam ething. I'd rather have it done at home than behind my back.