As part of our biology unit we will be studying ants and will chronicle their adventure here!
2/8/12 - The ants arrived today and are currently clumping together and getting used to their new home.
2/9/12 - The ants have started tunneling on the right side of the hill.
2/10/12 -
Up close |
9:46 am |
10:31 pm |
2/11/12 -
9:11 am |
9:58 pm |
2/12/12 - The ants have a little graveyard outside the hill. They have also constructed about 9 tunnels.
8:51am |
8:59 pm |
graveyard on backside of hill |
2/13/12 -
8:11am |
2/14/12 - The ants are moving very slow and seem to only tunnel on the right side of the hill. It also looks like they have no motivation to work on tunnels. It appears as though only 2/3 are still alive.
8:31am |
2/17/12 - They seem to have slowed down working quite a bit the past few days. Not sure what is going on.
2/19/12 - They are busying themselves again, but working more on the outre graveyard than tunneling.
3/2/12 - Haven't posted much of anything as they really are just doing the same old thing. There are only about 17 left now though and it is starting to feel a bit creepy and deserted.
3/15/12 - We released the last two ants today because they just seemed so sad. We learned a lot and it was a really interesting study.
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