After some discussion DN has decided to stay on an every other week schedule, which means he will be here for only two or three days every two weeks and will complete the majority of his work at home. I had to switch things up a bit so that this could work, but I think that it will go well as long as he stays on top of things. KM's schedule will basically remain the same as it has, but we are tweaking a few things here and there to hers as well.
Literature -
City of Embers - DN
Animal Farm - DN
Math -
Manga Joku - Both
Science -
Janice VanCleave's Bio Labs
- Both
Usborne Science Encyclopedia - DN
Health & Phys. Ed. -
Bowling - KM
Usborne Science Encyclopedia - DN
Health & Phys. Ed. -
Bowling - KM
Tennis - Both
Ice Skating- KM
Basketball - DN
Basketball - DN
Heads Up: Real News About Drugs and Your Body - Both
Mind Over Matter - Both
Social Sciences – U.S. History & Geography -
A History of US Books 1-2 - K
Mind Over Matter - Both
Social Sciences – U.S. History & Geography -
A History of US Books 1-2 - K
Liberty Kids
- K
Story of the US DVD - - K
Elective - Financial Literacy -
Building Your Future - Financial Literacy Curriculum - Both
Foreign Languages -
Japanese from Zero!
Spanish Grammar Study Cards
Spanish Conversation Demystified - D
Spanish (The 100+ Series)
- D
Current Events -
CNN Student News - Both
Spanish (The 100+ Series)
Current Events -
CNN Student News - Both