Nov 11, 2010

Preparing for Braces

KM has ALWAYS - literally for as long as she has been going to the dentist's anyway - wanted braces. She used to press the gum across her teeth and pretend to have them. She asks the dental hygenist at every cleaning and picked out the colored bands that she would choose.

The day is finally arriving and she is bit more nervous than she thought she would be, so we looked up information so that she could be as informed as possible and here is some of what we found -

We had the first appointment for the spacers to be put in and she goes to have the braces put on on Fri. The most difficult thing that she hadn't really thought about was the food restrictions. She is also pretty nervous about having the 4 teeth pulled. She has calmed herself a bit now that she knows it doesn't have to be done immediately, but I don't know how well it is going to go when the time actually comes. 

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