So my Internet and phone are FINALLY back online after much aggravation!
Last week was very busy, which is how it always seems to work around here when I want to slow things down a bit!
Here are some of our favorite pics from last week:
We went on a quest that took us through the New England Wildlife Center -
KM felt it had been far too long since a pic of me was taken so here I am -
THE CRAZY LADY HIKING WITH AN INFANT AND A TODDLER! - I must say though Miss SC is quite the trooper and if you put GC in the sling she is happy no matter where we are!
KM did some fashion designing this week:

some of the rhinestones didn't iron on quite so well so she improvised with puffy paint!

She had better luck with t-shirt iron-ons though!
There was a dress-up fashion show:

which brought out some interesting characters!
some of the rhinestones didn't iron on quite so well so she improvised with puffy paint!
She had better luck with t-shirt iron-ons though!
There was a dress-up fashion show:
which brought out some interesting characters!
We had a very wet and shorter than expected time camping, but it was SUPER fun!
We are now in our second week of "vacation" from lessons before we start our fall session and things are just as CRAZY this week!Please keep your fingers crossed for me that next week TRULY will be a slow week!
Don't know how much I will post, but I will be sure to be back for good after the 28th when we start our Fall Session!
Oh my gosh, our phone and internet were accidentally turned off this week. I sent my husband to return the cable box and cancel cable service (I was tired of seeing Cartoon Network on all day long), and they shut off EVERYTHING.
Silly providers!
Hubby had to return the following day to have them turn the phone and internet back on. Phew.
Hiking with an infant and toddler? Not crazy. Great exercise! :-D (I know people must think I'm crazy, hauling books from the library to our apartment on the hill, but it's a small military base and I'd rather walk than take a taxi.)
Slings rock. I miss the sling days.
SC's dancing is adorable!
KM's skull came out fabulously - is fashion design her "thing"?
Enjoy your vacation and hopefully you won't have any more crazy weeks. :)
Hi -
Fashion is high on her priority list and one of her many "things", but designing has become a new interest.
Have to keep an eye on where it is headed!
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