Oct 8, 2008

I am SOOOOO tired!!!

I could stay in bed for a week curled up as comfy as this:

Whom ever thinks that homeschooled children are not socialized should come and visit us this week!

We haven't stopped, it is only Wed and tomorrow is the only day this week that we don't "have" to be somewhere! I am sooo tired!

I have many "guru" types in my life, for various aspects and my very favorite ~all knowing~ homeschool guru mentioned one time having "Go Days" and "Stay Days" and sticking to them. On Go Days you have classes, do errands, have appointments, etc. On Stay days you stay at home all day - for the most part, a quick trip to the store for milk is permissible, but not much else - there really isn't anywhere that you "HAVE" to be. She tries to plan and schedule things around those days so that the kids know what to expect, she can get things done around the house and no one gets burnt out!

My new strategy ~ once I get through the rest of this jam packed week ~ I am going to try to have three out of seven days be stay days each week. Not that we will have full GO days four days, but we need to have three days that we are home. One day for laundry and cleaning, one day for baking and pre-cooking, and one day for mom to not loose that wonderful sanity I have been gaining.

I will say that KM has been incredibly receptive and cooperative this week on the go schedule - far better than she ever has been before! I however feel like I could keel over at any second and sleep for a month.

How does your family juggle the hustle and bustle that homeschooling and life can bring!
I will let you know how this system works out for us after we have tried it out a bit! Please share any tips, strategies or rules that your family lives and learns by!


Todd said...

First off, that's an adorable kitty picture :-)

"How does your family juggle the hustle and bustle that homeschooling and life can bring!"

We not hustle and bustle types.

Terri said...

Hi Gina,

As I've said before I love reading your blog. Seeing as I've heard the same homeschooling guru talk about Stay Days & Go days, we have also implemented this. Thanks goodness I've learned it early on & my kids are quie receptive to it. then again, mine are still young so who knows whats to come.
